Pricol - Annual Report - 2008-2009
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Info Edge - Annual Report - 2008-2009
Dear Shareholders,
Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the Directors Report together
with the audited accounts for the year ended March 31, 2009.
PARTICULARS 2008-09 2007-08
Net sales 2,451.66 2,189.39
Other income 286.30 207.25
Total Income 2,737.96 2,396.64
Advertising and Promotion Cost 433.20 481.24
Administration and Other
expenses 324.92 255.75
Personnel expenses 933.88 746.28
Network and other charges 90.41 60.53
Finance and other charges 17.26 11.19
Depreciation 71.10 55.51
Total expenditure 1870.77 1,610.50
Net profit before tax 867.19 786.14
Tax 270.33 231.27
Net Profit after Tax 596.86 554.87
Net Sales increased by 11.98% from Rs. 2,189.39 million in 2007-08 to
Rs. 2,451.66 million in 2008-09. Other income increased by 38.14% to
Rs. 286.30 million in 2008-09, primarily due to sale of investments in
mutual funds. Consequently, Total income increased by 14.24% from
Rs. 2,396.64 million in 2007-08 to Rs. 2,737.96 million in 2008-09.
Total expenditure increased by 16.16% from Rs. 1,610.50 million in 2007-08
to Rs. 1,870.77 million in 2008-09. There was a conscious effort to
optimize advertisement and promotion expenditure. In fact, advertising and
promotion costs decreased by 9.98% from Rs. 481.24 million in 2007-08 to
Rs. 433.20 million in 2008-09.
Profit before tax increased by 10.31% from Rs. 786.14 million in 2007-08 to
Rs. 867.19 million in 2008-09 and Profit after tax increased by 7.57% to
Rs. 596.86 million in 2008-09.
Your Directors are pleased to recommended dividend at the rate of Re. 0.75
per share for 2008-09, subject to the approval of the shareholders. The
proposed dividend together with corporate dividend tax would mean an
outflow of Rs. 23.95 million.
Since your company is not paying dividend exceeding 10% of the paid-up
capital, the Companies (Transfer of Profits to Reserves) Rules, 1975 is not
In terms of revenue, our primary business remains online recruitment
classifieds and related services through, and
quadrangle business divisions. Revenues from the recruitment solutions
business increased by 7.75% from Rs. 1,964.26 million in 2007-08 to
Rs. 2,116.47 million in 2008-09. This business generated around 86.33% of
the companys net sales in 2008-09. We also provide matrimonial and property
related classifieds and related services through our and 99 divisions respectively. With revenues from these other verticals
increasing by 48.89%, their combined contribution to the companys net sales
increased to 13.67% in 2008-09. During 2008-09, the Company diversified its
business base by entering the online education classifieds business by
Detailed analysis of the performance of the Company and its businesses,
including initiatives in the area of Human Resources, Information
Technology, has been presented in the section on Management Discussion and
Analysis of this Annual Report.
We are optimistic about the long term prospects of the company. There is
immense potential in the businesses and the growing upwardly mobile urban
population in India offers several opportunities to build our businesses.
In the near term, we believe that the global economy will remain depressed
and growth in India will be slower than what was witnessed in the recent
past. However, there will continue to be opportunities and we are
witnessing an increase in our market share vis-a-vis our competitors.
Today, we are in a consolidation phase. We are working on cost management,
productivity improvements and product quality enhancements to be well
prepared o leverage the upturn in the economy as and when it comes.
As of March 31, 2009, the Company had the following five subsidiary
* Naukri Internet Services Private Limited.
* Jeevansathi Internet Services Private Limited.
* All checkdeals India Pvt. Limited.
* Info Edge (India) Mauritius Limited.
* Info Edge USA Inc.
In a difficult business environment in 2008-09, we have not undertaken any
layoffs. Most of the workforce reduction has been due to natural attrition.
The focus this year has been on improving the productivity of our people
through a structured process of rationalization. We have had several
instances where vacancies have been filled up by internal staff. Employee
costs have been managed primarily by incorporating a variable pay systems
where extra expenditure is not incurred if performance targets are not met.
The particulars of employees required under Section 217 (2A) of the
Companies Act, 1956 and the rules there under, are required to be annexed
to this Report as Annexure. However, pursuant to the provisions of Section
219(1)(b)(iv) of the Companies Act, 1956, the Annual Report and Accounts
are being sent to all the shareholders of the Company without the above
information. Any shareholder interested in obtaining such particulars may
write to the Company.
We had adopted ESOP schemes to include our employees in wealth sharing and
in having a more retention oriented compensation program. As the Company
was a private limited unlisted company, therefore SEBI ESOP Guidelines were
not applicable to our old ESOP scheme (ESOP 2003) under which the first
round of options were granted in August 2004. However, with the listing of
Companys shares in November 2006, the Company introduced a new SEBI
compliant ESOP scheme (ESOP 2007), which was approved by passing a special
resolution in the Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) held on March 26,
Disclosures as required by clause 12 of the SEBI Employees Stock Option
Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme Guidelines, 1999 are annexed to
this report.
A certificate from M/s. Price Waterhouse, Chartered Accountants, Statutory
Auditors, with regards to the implementation of the Company Employees Stock
Option Schemes, would be placed before the shareholders in the Annual
General Meeting.
Separate detailed chapters on Corporate Governance, Additional Shareholder
Information and Management Discussion and Analysis are attached herewith
and forms a part of this annual report.
We continue to be almost debt-free, and believe we maintain sufficient cash
to meet our strategic objectives. During 2008-09, your Company has not
accepted any deposits or raised any fresh equity from the public.
Since the Company is a service sector company and does not own any
manufacturing facility, the other particulars in the Companies (Disclosure
of Particulars in the Report of the Board of Directors) Rules, 1998 are not
applicable. However, on a proactive basis, we are disclosing the details of
energy conservation and technology absorption as part of annexure A to the
directors report. The particulars regarding foreign exchange earnings and
expenditure are furnished below:
PARTICULARS 2008-09 2007-08
Foreign Exchange Earnings
Sales 290.44 215.56
Total Inflow 290.44 215.56
Foreign Exchange Outgo
Travel 0.58 1.91
Expenses on server, etc 58.47 36.62
Advertisement, Promotion and
Marketing 4.44 16.53
Foreign Branch Expenses 26.17 15.00
Others 10.04 7.16
Total Outflow 99.70 77.22
Net Foreign Exchange Flow 190.74 138.34
The Companys shares are listed on Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) &
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) with effect from November 21,
2006, post its initial public offering (IPO).
As per the requirements of Section 256 of the Companies two-third of the
Board shall consist of retiring directors out of which one third shall
retire at every annual general meeting.
Accordingly, Mr. Kapil Kapoor, Ms. Bala Deshpande and Mr. Ambarish
Raghuvanshi shall retire and shall seek re-appointment in the ensuing
Annual General Meeting of the Company.
The Company has in place adequate systems of Internal Control to ensure
compliance with policies and procedures. Internal Audits of all the units
of the Company are regularly carried out to review the internal control
systems. The Internal Audit Reports along with implementation and
recommendations contained therein are constantly reviewed by the Audit
Committee of the Board.
The Company has undertaken to implementation of an ERP solution namely
Microsoft Navision which is expected to provide better control and strong
support to our growth plans.
M/s. Price Waterhouse, Chartered Accountants hold office until the
conclusion of forthcoming Annual General Meeting and being eligible offer
themselves for re-appointment.
The Directors confirm that:
* In the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting
standards have been followed;
* They have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently
and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end
of the financial year and of the profits of the Company for the year;
* They have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of
adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for
preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; and
* They have prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.
The observation of auditors and notes on accounts are self explanatory.
We thank our clients, vendors, investors and bankers for their continued
support during the year. We place on record our appreciation of the
contribution made by employees at all levels. Our consistent growth has
been made possible by their hard work, solidarity, cooperation and support.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Date : June 26, 2009 Kapil Kapoor
Place: Hongkong Chairman
Particulars pursuant to Companies (Disclosure of particulars in the report
of the Board of Directors) Rules, 1988.
1. Conservation of energy:
While our operations are not energy-intensive, we continued to take steps
to reduce energy consumption. Some of the significant measures undertaken
during the year are listed below:
i) Regular Monitoring of Temperature inside the buildings and controlling
the Air-conditioning System.
ii) Rationalization of usage of electrical equipments-air-conditioning
system, office illumination, beverage dispensers, desktops.
iii) Facility audit to incorporate correct air-conditioning / DG ratings,
usage of auto phase corrector.
iv) Replacement of halogens to CFL illumination.
v) Signage timings rationalization.
vi) Planned Preventive Maintenance (PMP) schedule put in place for electro-
mechanical equipments.
2. Research and Development (R&D):
We operate in the internet/ information technology industry where
developments happen on a continuous basis. We regularly evaluate these
developments & factor their suitability to us. Accordingly, research and
development of new services, designs, frameworks, processes and
methodologies continue to be of importance to us. This allows us to enhance
quality, productivity and customer satisfaction through continuous
improvements /innovation.
a. R&D initiative:
Our Technical Team works to optimize the existing software applications and
to be able to optimally use the existing hardware on a continuous basis.
b. Specific areas for R&D at the company & the benefits derived there from.
Our search engine team has worked on bringing about significant
improvements to the job and resume searches offered on the website by
exploring newer and better ways to search.
c. Future plan of action:
We constantly keep working on finding / evaluating new technologies,
processes, frameworks and methodologies to enable us in improving the
quality of our offerings and user satisfaction.
d. Expenditure on R&D for the year ended March 31, 2009:
Our Research and Development activities are not capital intensive and we do
not specifically provide for the same in our books.
Information regarding the Employee Stock Option Schemes:
ESOP 2003- Under the scheme, the first round of options were granted in
August 2004. The Company made last grant under the scheme on 26 September
2006 and has now discontinued the scheme for any fresh grants. However,
options already granted before that date continue to vest and be exercised.
Being a Pre-IPO scheme, the SEBI (ESOP & ESPS) Guidelines, 1999 were not
applicable to this scheme.
Nature of Disclosure ESOP 2003
1 Total Options granted 7,461,201
2 Total number of options vested 7,238,303
3 Total number of options exercised* 6,983,907
4 Total number of Equity Shares arising as a
result of exercise of options* 842,666
5 Total number of options lapsed/forfeited 133,038
6 Money realized by exercise of options Rs. 7,931,977
7 Total number of options in force as at 31 March, 2009 344,251
* Number of option exercised & number of Equity shares issued thereof is
different due to consolidation of equity shares (from Re. 1 per share to
Rs. 10 per share) and bonus allotments.
ESOP 2007- This scheme was adopted Post-IPO in March 2007. The Company made
first grant of options under the New SEBI compliant ESOP scheme (ESOP 2007)
on May 31, 2007. During the year the terms of options under the new scheme
have not been varied. The new ESOP scheme has been approved in principle by
both NSE and BSE.
Nature of Disclosure ESOP 2007
1 Total Options granted 692,042
2 Total number of options vested 86,101
3 Total number of options exercised 2,230
4 Total number of Equity Shares arising as a
result of exercise of options 2,230
5 Total number of options lapsed/forfeited 129,173
6 Money realized by exercise of options Rs. 713,600
7 Total number of options in force as at 31 March 2009 560,639
Exercise price:
During the year, fresh ESOP Grants were made under ESOP 2007 at the
following prices:
No. of Options Granted Exercise Price
292,200 948
15200 994
11000 853
2000 871
8500 405
Details of option granted to Senior Management/Directors during the year:
1 Grant to Directors NIL
2 Any other employee
who received a
grant in any one Name & Designation No. of Options year
of option amounting to 5% or
more of option Vibhore Sharma 20,000
granted during that year SVP (Tech &
3 Identified employees who
were granted option, during N.A.
any one year, equal to or
exceeding 1% of the issued
capital (excluding
outstanding warrants and
conversions) of the Company
at the time of grant.
4 Earning Per share (EPS) Rs. 21.87
5 Method of calculation of
employee compensation cost The Company has calculated the employee
compensation cost using the intrinsic
value of stock options.
3 Difference, if any, between
employee compensation Rs. 108,038 Thousand
cost (calculated using the
intrinsic value of stock op
tions) and the employee
compensation cost (calculated
on the fair value
of the options)
4 The impact of this difference Profit would have been lower by
on profits and on EPS of Rs. 108,038 Thousand
the Company and the EPS
would be Rs. 17.91.
5a Weighted-average exercise
prices of options
whose exercise price:
i) Either equals
market price; or Nil
ii) Exceeds market price; or 994.00
iii) Is less than the market
price of the stock 929.46
5b Weighted average fair
values of options
whose exercise price:
i) Either equals
market price; or Nil
ii) Exceeds market price; or 558.71
iii) Is less than the
market price of the stock 544.97
6 Description of method &
significant assumptions
used during the year to
estimate value of
options including the
following weighted-average
(i) Risk-free interest rate; 7.87%
(ii) Expected life (in years); 6.46
(iii) Expected volatility 46.97%
(iv) Expected dividends 0.10%
(v) The price of the
underlying share in the mar 950.61
ket at the time
of option grant.
7 Impact on the profits N.A.
and EPS if the Company
had followed the accounting
policies specified
in Clause 13 of the SEBI
ESOP Guidelines.
Driven by the vision of creating world class platforms that transform
lives, Info Edge (India) Limited (Info Edge or the Company) is one of
Indias leading companies in the internet content based business. In fact,
it is Indias premier on-line classifieds company with a dominant presence
in online recruitment, matrimonial, real estate and educational classifieds
and related services in India.
The business is managed through five main divisions.
These are:
* The online recruitment classified division, which operates primarily
through the portal;
* The online matrimonial classified division, which operates through the
* The online real estate classified division, which operates through the
* The offline executive search division, which operates through the
Quadrangle division and the portal www.; and
* The online educational classified division, which operates through the
These divisions are supported by several other businesses that focus on
particular segments within the divisions business domain. These include the
web that caters to the Middle-East job markets;
the career counselling and guidance; the
professional networking; the real estate brokerage which is now operated through a subsidiary;
and the fresher hiring site- www.firstnaukri. com.
In addition to these specific business verticals, Info Edge also undertakes
strategic investments in companies and start-up ventures. In 2007-08 the
Company had made commitments to invest in Studyplaces Inc, USA. In 2008-09,
it increased its investments by committing to take a stake in Applect
Learning Systems (Pvt.) Limited, which operates the kindergarden to class
12 (K-12), an assessment based learning portal; and
Etechaces Marketing & Consulting Private Limited, which operates the
insurance sales portal
Info Edge develops community networks primarily on the world-wide web that
cater to specific societal needs. To begin with it focused on employment.
The Company pioneered the concept of on-line recruitment in India through It successfully built a platform that brought together a large
group of recruiters and job-seekers and revolutionised the hiring processes
in India. However, it took the business time to grow. And, like with most
new businesses, the online recruitment business had to go through all the
different stages of evolution including conceptualisation, incubation,
development, accelerated growth and stabilisation. Having laid the
foundation, the Company leveraged its early bird advantage and built on the
experience gained at each stage of development to grow at a very
rapid rate and attain leadership status in India. In December 2008, Info
Edge launched Naukri Jobspeak an index of jobs based on job listings on
In more ways than one, has been the backbone of Info Edges
business. Not only has it provided the Company with necessary skill-sets to
diversify and develop other online businesses in India, but it has also
helped create the Companys financial resource base, which is used to fuel
the development of new business domains for the next round of accelerated
growth. And, Info Edge has left no stone unturned in its endeavour to
secure long-term growth. It has diversified to developing online
communities in matrimonial search, property search and education advisory.
Info Edge is today a portfolio of different businesses that are knitted
together by the common primary revenue generating concept of online
classifieds. Each of the respective businesses in the Companys portfolio is
at a different stage of evolution. Also, the individual businesses have
their own set of opportunities and challenges. As a result, they have
different gestation periods, risk return profiles, execution paths and
inflection points. It may also be the case that some businesses do not take
off as planned. However, the returns from the successes of the ones that
attain accelerated growth offset such setbacks. In essence, this is what
determines the success of the concept of portfolio based investments in new
business. Such a business model seriously relies on the spirit of
enterprise and innovation at every stage of the execution processes.
As of today, among the principal business divisions, has
attained significant growth and continues to generate high returns. 99 and jeevansathi. com are in a consolidation phase. They are
progressing towards healthy top-line growth and closing in on breaking even
in terms of profits. was launched in 2008-09 and is in the
startup or incubation phase. Many of the other investments made in
associate companies have been done to support these primary business
Info Edge remains a technology driven company, relying primarily on the
internet as the medium of service delivery. However, much of its businesses
are geared to satisfying Indian customers and is largely affected by
developments in the Indian economy.
From a global perspective, as a fall-out of the sub-prime crisis, several
large financial institutions either folded up or severely curtailed their
operations. This significantly affected employment opportunities and
recruitments were virtually frozen internationally, especially in the
financial sector. The period September-December 2008 was one of severe
liquidity crunch. Sentiments and consumer confidence were at an all time
low, and growth in the real economy came to a virtual standstill. As Chart
A shows, world output reduced from 5.2% in 2007 to 1.1% in 2008 an
estimated to be (-) 1.3% in 2009. The US and the Euro Zone have been in
recession since the second half of 2008-09 and even the emerging economies
witnessed a slowdown in growth.
This slowdown, particularly in the large advanced economies, has affected
employment generation globally. Several multinational enterprises have even
initiated programmes for reducing their workforce across their global
operations. To add to this, with severe stress on margins, several
businesses have cut-back on non-core expenditures like spend on Information
Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Consequently, the
export oriented Indian IT services sector has been hit hard. Thus,
companies that were earlier dominant in the Indian recruitment space have
significantly curtailed their activities. As a result, was faced
by a slump in activity, especially the recruitment of the IT and BPO
Even the domestic economy was affected adversely. With international
financial institutions having to write down profits and deleverage their
balance sheet, emerging economies like India witnessed stress in the
financial system in the second half of 2008. This led to a serious credit
crunch in India. Soon the real economy, particularly in the industrial
sector, witnessed a slowdown.
As Chart B shows, after five years of strong growth, Indias GDP growth
started slowing down from Q3, 2008-09. The real estate sector, too, has
been hit hard. There has been a sharp correction and slump in demand. This
is reflected in the fall in growth of construction activities from 10.1% in
2007-08 to 6.8% in Q4, 2008-09.
Naturally, both and have witnessed significant
demand constraints during 2008-09, especially in the second half.
Info Edge has internalised the fact that it has to operate in different
economic conditions, and that it should have systems in place to overcome
economic downturns, just as these should help leverage growth opportunities
during economic booms. For the established businesses, there has been a
conscious change in focus from pushing sales to reducing cost of sales,
streamlining processes and systems, controlling overheads and focusing on
improving customer experience. These measures have not only helped the
Company in steering through the economic slowdown, but also in marginally
increasing the 2008-09 profits vis-a-vis 2007-08. The company has
undertaken implementation of an ERP namely Microsoft Navision to provide a
strong backbone for future growth.
Apart from the parent company, Info Edge (India) Limited has five
subsidiaries. These are: Naukri Internet Services Private Limited and
Jeevansathi Internet Services Private Limited, (which own internet domain
names and related trademarks); All checkdeals India Private Limited (which
provides brokerage services for the Indian real estate sector); Info Edge
(India) Mauritius Limited (for making overseas investments); and Info Edge
USA Inc. In addition to these, there are also associated companies in which
Info Edge has made strategic investments. The consolidated financial
results given in Table 1 take into account the performance of the stand-
alone Company, its subsidiaries and associated companies.
The Company, in spite of a difficult environment, managed to grow its top
line albeit at a lower rate compared to earlier years. This reduction in
growth rate was due to pressure on sales realization which in turn is
attributable to two reasons. First, given the economic slow down, customers
have moved from higher value subscriptions to lower value subscriptions.
Second, some customers bought lower volumes while in some cases discounts
had to be increased in a depressed market.
2008-09 2007-08
NET SALES 2,457.99 2,189.39
Network and other charges 90.41 60.53
Employee costs 933.88 746.28
Advertising and promotion cost 433.20 481.24
Other expenditure 355.65 266.88
EXPENDITURE 1,813.14 1,554.93
OPERATING EBIDTA 644.85 634.46
Interest 0.37 0.39
Depreciation/Amortisation 71.15 55.1
EBT 573.33 578.56
Other income 279.24 207.25
PBT 852.57 785.81
Tax 270.37 231.33
PAT 582.20 554.48
Share in loss of Associate
Companies 11.92 0.0
PAT after minority interests
and share in loss of Associate
Companies 570.28 554.48
The operating EBIDTA margin (EBIDTA/ Net Sales) declined from 29% in 2007-
08 to 26.6% in 2008-09. This was mainly due to continued investments in
other verticals e.g. which has a gestation period before it
generates adequate revenues. However, in a relatively more established
business, like recruitment solutions EBIDTA margin grew from 41.6% in 2007-
08 to 43.5% in 2008-09. Within this Naukri.coms EBIDTA margin grew from
44.3% in 2007-08 to 46.7% in 2008-09.
* Net sales increased by 12.27% from Rs. 2,189.39 million in 2007-08 to
Rs. 2,457.99 million in 2008-09.
* Earnings before depreciation, interest, tax and amortisation (EBIDTA)
increased by 1.64% to Rs. 644.85 million.
* Profit before tax (PBT) increased by 8.50% from Rs. 785.81 million in
2007-08 to Rs. 852.57 million in 2008-09.
* Profit after tax (PAT) & after minority interest and loss from associate
companies, increased by 2.85% to Rs. 570.28 million in 2008-09. This
includes the losses from associate companies which are in development
stage. Discounting for these losses, which were not accounted for in 2007-
08, PAT increased by 5% to Rs. 582.20 million.
* Basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) increased marginally from
Rs. 20.31 in 2007-08 to Rs. 20.89 in 2008-09.
The Company did respond to the changed market environment. While the
results of overhead management did not percolate much into the financial
performance of 2008-09 because much of it happened only in the last
quarter, the Company succeeded in significantly reducing its advertising
and promotion costs which came down from 29.9% in 2007-08 to 25.3% in
2008-09. These initiatives helped the Company maintain its EBIDTA at 2007-
08 levels. PAT has increased in 2008-09, although, the growth is moderate.
With a total debt exposure below Rs. 1 crore, Info Edge continues to be
almost a debt free Company. And it maintains a healthy cash position. As of
31 March 2009,the cash and bank balances with the Company were Rs. 3,220.96
million deployed conservatively mostly in bank fixed deposits. This balance
sheet strength will help the Company in overcoming the market slowdown and
gain market share to propel future growth.
Info Edge embodies a new age business. The Company operates in the online
media space, which is still at an embryonic stage in India. It is driven by
a young workforce, having an average of 26 years. It primarily caters to
the rapidly growing upwardly mobile young population in India.
Being primarily an online media company, Info Edge has three broad areas
from where it generates revenues. These are:
Where the focus is on creating websites that generate enough traffic and
quality or quantity of eyeballs to warrant a good price for companies or
organisations to advertise in. This is a market which partly competes
directly with other media like print.
These are revenue streams that flow after the registration or subscription
by online visitors. This is a product which does not exist in other media.
Examples include risumi development or CV push services offered by These services are pursued once a critical level of expertise
is attained in a business space. For many of these services, an off-line
approach is also pursued. These type of services evolve over a period of
time and are pursued actively to realise their revenue potential. While
Info Edge gears its present business practices to meet the challenges of
the prevalent economic slowdown, the Company remains committed to its
longer term growth aspirations. Accordingly, it has continued with its
investments in the businesses that are at a development stage.
Essentially, there are two key macro factors that will determine the
fortunes of Info Edges long-term business goals. These are:
* The growth in the upwardly mobile urban population in India:
Despite the current economic slowdown, the long-term growth and demographic
trends remain intact. According to the National Council for Applied
Research (NCAER), within the growing urban population, the proportion of
people with aspiration lifestyles and income levels Info Edges target
market segment is expected to increase manifold. As Chart C shows, their
percentage in urban population is expected to increase from 26% in 2003 to
54% in 2013.
* Internet usage in the country:
Among the upwardly mobile urban population, Info Edges business focuses on
what is classified as regular internet users. The Juxt consult India Online
Survey 2009, which analyses net usage behaviour and preferences had the
following observations:
+ Regular users (defined as people who use the internet at least once in a
month) increased 10% to reach 38.5 million in 2008. Of this, 33 million
were urban users
+ Daily internet users increased by 28% from 25 million in 2007 to 32
million in 2008.
+ 80% online Indian are in the prime of their life (19-35 years).
+ 75% of them belong to the consuming and aspiring class (almost half of
them belong to SEC A and B).
These results show that, while internet penetration in India is less than
comparable economies, the quality of Indias internet user base is improving
with an increase in regular and daily users. It is also important to note
that much of this regular internet user base falls in Info Edges target age
and income profile.
Thus, Info Edge is playing a leading role in a rapidly growing market. To
continuously leverage this growth potential, there are two critical back-
end factors that matter. These are:
* Continuous emphasis on innovation and customisation of products and
services. The Company regularly enhances the utility and features of the
existing products and services to meet the changing needs of customers. It
also develops suites of new products and services that better meet the
requirements of its diverse users. Cutting edge technology and top-of-the-
line algorithms are used to provide customers with a world class online
* Continuous focus on customer behaviour and preferences. There are often
intricate nuances in the behaviour of different members of the virtual
communities that Info- Edge creates. It is imperative to keep gathering
customer insights and understand trends in behavioural patterns. These
become critical inputs in enhancing the functionalities of the portals.
In 2008-09, Info Edge increased its focus on these back-end initiatives.
The stress is on making the websites functionally more useful and user
friendly for the customers. What is more important is not to merely
generate traffic but to increase the traffic of customers who matter. As an
example, an issue that has been uniformly taken up across the portals is to
reduce spam on the Companys websites. Spam spoils the reputation of a
portal and increases the navigation time for customers. Info Edge is
continuously identifying all such issues and working on solutions.
As of today, the company has four business segments: recruitment services,
matrimonial services, real estate services and education services. Based on
the Juxtconsult India Online Survey 2009, two of Info Edge four segments
job search and matrimonial search are part of the top 10 online activities
undertaken by Indians (see Table 2).
Activity % %
Under- Change
taking from
1 Job search 72.0 1.0
2 Instant messaging/chatting 68.0 -2.0
3 Check general news 63.0 -0.3
4 Dating/Friendship 56.0 6.0
5 Check sports
(other than cricket) 53.0 -4.0
6 Check cricket content/score 53.0 3.0
7 English info search engine 50.0 1.0
8 Matrimonial search 50.0 0.5
9 Listen/stream music online 49.0 0.6
10 Download music 48.0 -6.0
(Source: Juxtconsult-India Online Survey 2009).
Recruitment solutions under have been the Companys primary
business over the last decade. By accounting for 86.3% in net sales, the
recruitment resolutions business continues to be the largest segment in
Info Edges business portfolio. However, it is important to note that with
net sales from other verticals (mainly and
increasing by 49% to Rs.33.5 crore in 2008-09, the share of these business
in the Companys net sales increased from 10.3% in 2007-08 to 13.6% in 2008-
The recruitment services business segment comprises the following portals:
This is the Companys flagship brand and Indias largest online jobsite.
This is primarily an off-line headhunting business that derives revenues
from successfully placing a person with a company.
This is a jobsite that focuses on the middle-eastern market
This is a repository of career related questions and answers that acts like
a career guidance site.
This is a professional networking site.
Launched in January 2009, this site focuses on fresher hiring in India.
All the different businesses in this segment were affected by the slowdown
in economic activity. Chart D plots the Jobspeak index, which is based on
job listings on naukri. com. The index, which was at 1,000 in July 2008
fell to 697 in December 2008. Since then, it has estabilised around 710.
Much of this reduction in hiring has happened in the sectors such as
banking and insurance,IIT services and infrastructure. As mentioned
earlier, the IT sector has been hit particularly hard and its share in
naukri.coms revenues declined from 29.7% in 2007-08 to 26.1% in 2008-09.
This remains a cause of concern.
JUL 08 1000
AUG 08 902
SEP 08 907
OCT 08 781
NOV 08 776
DEC 08 697
JAN 09 738
FEB 09 774
A 711
(Source: Naukri Job Speak). is the major revenue generator in this business segment. There
are two primary revenue streams.
These are:
* Payments for job listings and employer branding and visibility, and.
* Payments from recruiters for resume database access. In addition,
revenues are also generated from other added services like fees for job
seeker services; Google Ad Sense; advertising on the website other than for
jobs; fees from mobile CV management services; and fees for risumi short
listing and screening.
All these revenues are clubbed under two heads based on the end-customer:
naukri Recruitment Solutions and naukri Candidate Services. Revenues from
naukri Candidate Services increased by 31% in 2008-09; while those from
naukri Recruitment Solutions grew by 6.6%. continues to be Indias No.1 job site, enjoying over 50% share of
page views across the top three job sites. It continues to leverage its
first mover advantage by building an extensive database of risumis and
corporate clients who are patrons of The large database of job
seekers, the comprehensive nature of the client list and our matching
solutions form a self-generating cycle that propels business growth on a
sustainable basis.
It is a virtuous cycle. High quality corporate clientele ensures that is the portal of choice for a large number of prospective job
seekers. The portal makes sure that the applicants come in contact with the
appropriate recruiters, and increases the probability of a successful
fitment. Equally, the presence of a large number of job seekers ensures
that companies continue to use naukri. com as a source of tapping talent.
This model also allows us to consolidate operations through a large number
of repeat transactions and referrals for from our comprehensive database.
Here are some facts:
* Number of risumis in naukri.coms database increased by 31% from around
13 million at the end of 2007-08 to around 17 million at the end of 2008-09
* Number of risumis added daily increased by 17% from 12,000 in 2007-08 to
14,000 in 2008-09.
* Number of corporate customers (corporates and placement consultants) grew
by 5% from around 32,500 in 2007-08 to approximately 34,000 in 2008-09.
The dominance of is also reflected in its leadership position in
terms of share in traffic share among the leading Indian online job-sites.
Chart & below shows the traffic share based on data from comscore. com. It
shows that while has got over 50% share for most of the year,
compared to between 40-50% in 2007-08, the nearest competitor has got
around 30%.
Quadrangle offers off-line placement services to middle and senior
management, with revenues based on a success fee model. It complements the
growing online recruitment business. Given the market slowdown, Quadrangles
revenues declined by 6% during 2008-09.
The slowdown in hiring activities in India has been moderate when compared
to the sharp fall in the Middle-East. Consequently, has had
a difficult year, and expansion plans are being pursued in a calibrated
manner. However, the Company has extended its presence by opening an office
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia., the professional networking site, is still at a nascent stage of
development in terms of revenues. However, it is building its business
potential by registering members, which is in excess of 1.8 million by the
end of 2008-09 and growing at the rate of 2,000 a day. Here, the focus
remains on improving engagement and getting visitors to the site to
To overcome the effects of the market slowdown, the Company has continued
* Focus on investments in technology.
* Undertake product innovations.
* Give emphasis to promoting telesales and improved efficiencies of the
sales system.
* Lay stress on gaining market share.
Consequently, even in this depressed market, it has actually increased its
EBIDTA margin in the recruitment division. The details of the segments
financial performance is given in Box 2.
* Net sales from recruitment increased by 8% from Rs. 1964.3 million in
2007-08 to Rs.2116.5 million in 2008-09.
* EBIDTA from recruitment increased by 13% from Rs. 817.2 million in 2007-
08 to Rs. 920.4 million in 2008-09.
* EBIDTA margin increased from 41.6% in 2007-08 to 43.5% in 2008-09.
* EBIDTA margin in grew from 44.3% in 2007-08 to 46.7% 2008-09.
Recruitment continues to be an active opportunity in India. While the
economy has slowed down, it is still expected to grow at 6.5% to 7% for the
next couple of years. Info Edge believes that the worst is over and
slowdown in hiring activities has bottomed out. While it will take some
time for it gain significant momentum, the market will continue to provide
opportunities for the Company to grow profitably.
Aggregating and sharing data for arranging marriages is an old concept in
India. Earlier it was done at the local temple or by a specialised agent.
Then came the concept of matrimonial pages in newspapers. And, finally the
concept graduated to the virtual space initially with a focus on the NRI
Online matrimonial advertising has a distinct advantage over its nearest
competitor, the newspapers. First, there is the advantage of much larger
storage space. Second, is its larger global reach. Third, it has faster
speed of communication and fourth, it is interactive and allows images etc.
Consequently, internet is rapidly becoming the vehicle of matrimonial
search. This is also been driven by swift urbanisation and breakdown of
traditional networks.
With over 300 million people estimated to get married in the next 30 years
in India, matrimonial services is a fast growing market in India. However,
it is also highly segmented relying on local, religious, regional,
linguistic and caste-based factors. Success in this market will be
determined by the service providers ability to provide tailor made
solutions that meet the specific requirements of each of the different
segments in the market. has adopted a model that focuses on penetrating specific
market segments. Currently its primary markets are the Hindi-heartland and
The portal believes in subtle product differentiation that will enhance its
target customers experience in focusing the website. In
essence, remains discovery-led, preference mapped and
constantly data-updated so that it can meet the specific requirements of
its consumers. All these elements have been incorporated in the complete
site revamp undertaken in 2008-09. Investments continue to be made to help
build the brand and grow the business.
The online business is being supplemented by 14 offline centres called
Jeevansathi Match Points. These centres provide hand-holding services to
customers who are not internet savvy, helping them to utilise online services. As of today, these centres are a pilot.
The success of which is being reassessed for future course of action. The
highlights of the segmental performance are given in Box 3.
* Net sales from matrimonial segment increased by 31% to Rs. 170.1 million
in 2008-09.
* EBIDTA was a loss in 2008-09 Rs.46.9 million. The business is in the
investment phase and is expected to break even by the end of 2009-10.
* Profile listings increased from 2.14 million at the end of 2007-08 to
2.9 million at the end of 2008-09.
* This is a business that is largely insulated from economic developments
and success will depend on the companys ability to increase market share by
continuing to invest in a focused manner to grow its share in its market
The real estate segment comprises two portals. These are: 99 the
property based online classified business with a focus on the Indian market the property broking business with a success based
revenue model 99 generates revenues from property listings,
builder or broker branding and visibility including page links and banners,
international listings and others like buyer database access.
The performance of is given in Box 4.
Net Sales from increased by 54% to Rs.139 million in 2008-09
EBIDTA loss decreased from Rs. 108.5 million in 2007-08 to Rs. 95.3 million
in 2008-09 Property listings grew from around 200,000 at the end of 2007-08
to 248,000 at the end of 2008-09 Number of paid transactions rose from
around 7,500 in 2007-08 to 16,600 in 2008-09 Given the significant slowdown
in the real estate sector in 2008-09, Info Edge had to align its business
to the new market realities. has has reoriented its sales force
and laid emphasis on developing selling skills. The Company has had to
increase efforts in marketing its value proposition to the final customers.
While internet is a more cost effective medium for developers to promote
their projects, especially in depressed markets, the developer / agent /
broker community in India still does not fully understand internet as a
sales channel. Therefore, they are often reluctant to spend on online
activities. The sales team at is being trained and developed to
rise to this challenge and promote this platform more systematically to the
Several changes were made to the website during 2008-09 and a revamped
version was launched recently. The revamped site has laid emphasis on an
upgraded search algorithm that helps customers by improving the quality of
their search results, which includes spam filtering. The focus now is on
quality of the community participating on the site rather than the
Info Edge launched in November 2007 with a view to tap
into the large brokerage market. The objective is to promote real estate
deals among buyers who believe in fair transaction practices and prefer a
full check payment. closed 645 deals in 2008-09.
Activities in the real estate space are expected to remain subdued. While
there are some new projects being launched especially in the low cost
housing space, in the medium term this market is expected to remain weak.
In this period, Info Edge intends to increase its market penetration and
improve its product offerings.
As a sector, education is increasing rapidly in India, especially in terms
of private sector participation. Estimates suggest that the sector in India
is already valued at US$40 billion and it is growing at double digits. The
spend by education institutes on advertising is estimated at around
Rs.2,000 crore to Rs. 2,500 crore, but much of this is in print media. The
online education advertising spend is expected to be only around Rs. 40
In order to tap and grow this market, Info Edge launched in May
2008. This business has the opportunity to grow in a space that is fairly
insulated from economic downturns.
There are significant challenges in developing an online classifi eds
business in education. First, unlike Info Edges other businesses, cannot have a listing based approach. The website has to have
information that is distinct and not available elsewhere including
detailed description course content, quality and hostel infrastructure.
Essentially, the site is designed to act as a trusted guide or advisor to
students in their endeavour to chalk out a career path with a focus on
higher education.
In, the Company is working on developing the site and improving
the product. The sales team is in place; the response to listings on the
site is improving and the feedback is getting better. The agenda is to
improve the site, and to ensure current clients are satisfied so that it
build brand value and generate repeat business.
Already, has around 85,000 listings and offi ces in 15 cities.
The Company is investing in online marketing of An education
fair was organised in April 2008 in Delhi to promote shiksha. com, and
there were approximately 5,000 walk-ins. The Company will continue to
invest in developing this business.
Info Edge recognises that the internet will witness a significant change
with the increasing of value added services on mobile phones. With the
advent of 3G services, mobiles have the potential to replace the computer
as the mode of accessing the world-wide-web. With this in mind, Info Edge
has actively started exploring and extending its platforms to this medium.
As a starting step, it has integrated the platform with mobile
connectivity where customers get alerts on jobs on their mobiles and have
the ability to send their CVs to prospective recruiters using mobile
As a part of getting into new initiatives, Info Edge has made investments
in three associate companies.
* It has committed to invest Rs.65 million in tranches for a 40% stake in
Applect Learning Systems Private Limited. Of this, Rs. 29.6 million has
been invested as on 31 March 2009. Applect has launched a site called, which is delivering assessment based learning solutions
for standard 6 to 12 students as also solutions for CBSE curriculum. It has
started getting traction, and proposes to expand to other curriculums. The
site was initially free and has gone paid since April 2009.
* It has also committed to invest Rs. 200 million in tranches for a 49%
stake in Etechaces Marketing & Consulting Private Limited. It has invested
Rs. 50 million as on 31 March 2009. Its website Policy helps
customers understand their insurance needs and select insurance schemes
that best suit their requirements. Revenues are generated primarily from
lead generation and also fulfi lment of sales.
* It also has a minority stake in Study Places Inc. USA running an online
education information
People continue to be the Companys most treasured asset. Therefore, despite
being in a tough business environment, the Company did not lay-off any
employee. There has been natural attrition, which has decreased employee
strength from an all time high of 1,800 in the middle of 2008 to 1,676 by
the end of March 2009. While there have been no pay cuts, the performance
based variable component, like sales incentive and bonus payments, have
reduced purely due to lower growth. As a result of both these factors,
employee cost relative to sales has trended downwards.
The Company has actively followed a policy of HR rationalisation, based on
the principle Use Internal Resources First. The concept of internal job
postings has been institutionalised which has helped reallocate staff
surpluses in some departments to meet deficits in others. For example, the
entire platform has been developed and launched by a taskforce
comprising primarily of internally recruited candidates. Similarly a part
of the sales team at has been moved to the telesales model and
considerable training imparted for the same.
The Company continued to focus on training during 2008-09 particularly
regarding product sales and the managerial development of young
professionals in Info Edge. In addition, a new Human Resource Information
System (HRIS) module is being implemented to improve HR processes and
enhance employee connectivity. Performance evaluation standards have also
been raised.
Info Edges websites are hosted by Verio Inc., a service provider located in
the US. It has 65 high speed servers in the US which are exclusively
dedicated to hosting and its related applications. There are
also backup servers in the US. In addition, there are locally hosted
servers to run backend operations at Noida. The Company is in the process
of rolling out a disaster recovery system.
The technology team continues to actively work on refining algorithms that
enhance the customer experience of all the Companys websites. In naukri.
com there have been upgrades done to the job search function. This has
improved the quality of search results, and started immediately firing job
alerts to customers on loading of a new job opportunity. Both the and the 99 websites have been significantly
The Company has successfully integrated the portal with Google
Chat, where Google Talk can be used to search for jobs. Also, the express
CV concept has been executed, where jobseekers can directly send their CVs
to recruiters through a SMS.
Info Edge has initiated the process of rolling out a new ERP solution. The
process mapping exercise is over, and the Company will go live on this
system in the middle of 2009-10.
In order to cut costs on hardware resource and bandwidth, the Company is
focusing on optimising technology spends. This involves the concept of
virtualisation of servers to reduce overall costs.
Info Edge has a proper and adequate system of internal controls to ensure
that all assets are safeguarded and protected against loss from
unauthorised use or disposition, and those transactions are authorised,
recorded and reported correctly.
The internal control is supplemented by an extensive programme of internal
audits, review by management and the Audit Committee, and documented
policies, guidelines and procedures. The internal control is designed to
ensure that financial and other records are reliable for preparing
financial information and other data, and for maintaining accountability of
Statements in this Management Discussion and Analysis describing the
Companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may be forward
looking statements within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations.
Actual results might differ substantially or materially from those
expressed or implied. Important developments or factors that could affect
the Companys operations include a downtrend in the Indian online sector,
laws and regulations governing the internet, privacy laws, new and
disruptive technologies, internet connectivity and availability,
significant changes in political and economic environment in India,
exchange rate fluctuations, tax laws, litigation, labour relations and
interest costs.
BSE Bulk Deals to Watch - July 20 2009
Deal Date Scrip Code Company Client Name Deal Type * Quantity Price **
20/7/2009 524412 AAREY DRUGS THAKOR LALATMARAM MODI B 28051 48.57
20/7/2009 523204 ABAN OFFSHO OPG SECURITIES P LTD B 219508 912.65
20/7/2009 523204 ABAN OFFSHO OPG SECURITIES P LTD S 219508 913.16
20/7/2009 511664 BGIL FL TEC JINESH BHATT S 69958 18.10
20/7/2009 526839 CCAP LTD RAMABEN JAYSUKHLAL PAREKH B 24109 36.30
20/7/2009 526839 CCAP LTD KIRAN PODDAR S 34360 36.30
20/7/2009 511636 DJS STOCK SH NIRMAL SINGH BHANGOO B 60000 33.00
20/7/2009 511636 DJS STOCK SH SHOHESH P SHAH S 73600 33.02
20/7/2009 532707 DYNEMIC PRO RAJIV MOHAN GUPTA B 100000 19.42
20/7/2009 532707 DYNEMIC PRO DHAVAL AMRISH SHAH S 72953 19.38
20/7/2009 590080 EASTERN GAS REHWA CORPORATION LIMITED B 60000 60.85
20/7/2009 511668 FACT ENTERP DRB SECURITIES PVT LTD B 59398 22.95
20/7/2009 506522 J L MORISO I MANISH MUNDRA B 8000 174.00
20/7/2009 506522 J L MORISO I APOORV SINGH B 8000 180.00
20/7/2009 506522 J L MORISO I MANISH MUNDRA S 8000 180.00
20/7/2009 506522 J L MORISO I APOORV SINGH S 8000 174.00
20/7/2009 514312 JAIHIND SYNT PRASHANT MAHADEV KAMBLE S 95410 4.51
20/7/2009 516078 JUMBO BAG LT SANJEEV BURMAN JHAVERI B 75353 66.00
20/7/2009 531784 KADAMB CONST REKHA JAIN B 15000 40.00
20/7/2009 531784 KADAMB CONST RAMBHABA HOLDINGS & TRADING S 15000 40.00
20/7/2009 511131 KAMAN HSG NISHA SUMANJAIN B 90000 31.79
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP JOLLY GUPTA B 58277 6.06
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP BAMPSL SECURITIES LTD. B 58710 6.56
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP NARENDER GUPTA B 110000 5.86
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP SUNIL KUMAR GUPTA B 106048 5.94
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP GIRRAJ PRASAD GUPTA B 66000 6.13
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP NARENDER GUPTA S 75000 6.25
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP SUNIL KUMAR GUPTA S 106048 5.70
20/7/2009 530255 KAY POW PAP GIRRAJ PRASAD GUPTA S 73473 6.37
20/7/2009 533083 RISHABHDEV JMP SECURITIES PVT LTD B 100867 21.14
20/7/2009 533083 RISHABHDEV JMP SECURITIES PVT LTD S 88717 20.42
20/7/2009 530461 SABOO SOD CH DILIP RAMANLAL VAKHARIA B 90378 8.11
20/7/2009 530461 SABOO SOD CH DILIP RAMANLAL VAKHARIA S 90378 8.17
20/7/2009 526807 SEAMEC LTD RELIANCE CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND B 1000000 145.02
20/7/2009 526807 SEAMEC LTD Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund A/C Select Midacap Fund S 978487 145.74
20/7/2009 531800 SHEETAL BIO AMRUT SECURITIES LTD. B 702958 0.69
20/7/2009 531800 SHEETAL BIO AMIT SHANTILAL MEHTA S 795000 0.69
20/7/2009 530931 STANPACKS IN MAHALAKSHMI RAICHOOTI B 40000 5.71
20/7/2009 504807 SUMMIT SEC CD EQUIFINANCE PVT LTD B 284270 10.05
20/7/2009 504807 SUMMIT SEC CHANDRAVADAN DESAI (HUF) S 289498 10.05
20/7/2009 526133 SUPERTEX IND KUMKUM STOCK BROKER PVT LTD B 61963 58.80
20/7/2009 526133 SUPERTEX IND KUMKUM STOCK BROKER PVT LTD S 60900 58.93
20/7/2009 517498 WEBEL SL ENE MAVI INVESTMENT FUND LTD. B 50000 213.25
20/7/2009 531249 WELL PACK PA HEMANT MADHUSUDAN SHETH B 51000 154.43
20/7/2009 531249 WELL PACK PA REKHA BHANDARI B 27470 158.72
20/7/2009 531249 WELL PACK PA AMAR PREMCHAND WALMIKI S 40000 151.93
NSE Bulk Deals to Watch - July 20 2009
Date,Symbol,Security Name,Client Name,Buy/Sell,Quantity Traded,Trade Price / Wght. Avg. Price,Remarks
20-JUL-2009,ABAN,Aban Offshore Ltd.,C D INTEGRATED SERVICES LTD.,BUY,245385,911.30,-
20-JUL-2009,DISHTV,Dish TV India Limited,JASWANT JAYANTILAL SHAH,BUY,2700000,39.69,-
20-JUL-2009,FSL,Firstsource Solutions Lim,JAYPEE CAPITAL SERVICES LTD.,BUY,3449693,23.06,-
20-JUL-2009,ISPATIND,Ispat Industries Limited,JAYPEE CAPITAL SERVICES LTD.,BUY,6849153,20.65,-
20-JUL-2009,VARDHACRLC,Vardhman Acrylics Limited,VARDHMAN TEXTILES LIMITED,BUY,677682,11.02,-
20-JUL-2009,ABAN,Aban Offshore Ltd.,C D INTEGRATED SERVICES LTD.,SELL,245385,911.86,-
20-JUL-2009,FSL,Firstsource Solutions Lim,JAYPEE CAPITAL SERVICES LTD.,SELL,3438203,23.04,-
20-JUL-2009,ISPATIND,Ispat Industries Limited,JAYPEE CAPITAL SERVICES LTD.,SELL,7154389,20.63,-
Post Session Commentary - July 20 2009
Indian market rose for the second straight session to close with phenomenal gains at the start of new week tracking firm cues from the markets all over the world. Stocks witnessed rally led by growing optimism about recovery in market conditions as encouraging Q1 June 2009 results from India Inc boosted sentiment. In addition, sentiments also helped on news of the rescue of U.S. lender CIT Group. US financer CIT Group received rescue of $3 billion by a group of bondholders and probably escaped bankruptcy. CIT lends to nearly one million small and mid-sized US businesses. Further, higher US index futures, also contributed to the northward journey. However, benchmark indices trimmed gains a bit after early rise though regained strength to exhibit a good show further. BSE Sensex ended above 15,100 level and NSE Nifty closed around 4,500 mark.
Market opened sharply higher on bullish sentiments led by favorable global markets along with better than expected earnings. The US markets closed in flat on Friday that led the Dow to log its fifth straight gain and the Nasdaq its eighth straight advance. However the investors took a breather after digesting some positive earnings numbers from Bank of America, Citigroup and General Electric that led the S&P 500 to close with marginal loss. Further, Indian benchmark pared small portion of gains on profit taking. However, market firmed up again and gained further ground on fresh buying. Finally, strong buying spree over the ground led market to extend gains till the end of session. From the sectoral front, all indices ended in green barring FMCG stocks. Apart from that, most of buying was witnessed in IT, Realty, Tech, Bank, Oil & Gas, Pharma, Metal and Capital Goods stocks. BSE Mid Caps and Small Caps stocks also remained in limelight during the trading.
Among the Sensex pack 23 stocks ended in green territory and 7 in red. The market breadth indicating the overall health of the market remained positive as 1837 stocks closed in green while 832 stocks closed in red and 72 stocks remained unchanged in BSE.
The BSE Sensex closed higher by 446.09 points or (3.03%) at 15,191.01 and NSE Nifty ended up by 127.30 points or (2.91%) at 4,502.25. BSE Mid Caps and Small Caps closed with gains of 129.50 and 142.97 points at 5,235.09 and 5,823.87 respectively. The BSE Sensex touched intraday high of 15,209.36 and intraday low of 14,854.17.
Gainers from the BSE Sensex pack are TCS Ltd (15.34%), Wipro Ltd (7.14%), ICICI Bank (7.01%), Infosys Tech (5.66%), DLF Ltd (5.38%), Hindalco (5.35%), Reliance (5.03%), JP Associates (4.82%), ACC Ltd (4.22%), Sterlite Industries (3.80%), Tata Motors (3.78%), SBI (2.78%), L&T Ltd (2.69%) and Bharti Airtel (2.62%).
Losers from the BSE Sensex pack are ITC Ltd (1.98%), Reliance Infra (1.23%), Rcom (1.15%), Tata Steel (0.42%) and HDFC (0.34%).
On the global markets front the Asian markets that opened before the Indian market, ended higher. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index advanced strongly to 10-month high, on indications of recovery and better outlook of company’s earnings in US and China. Shanghai Composite, Hang Seng, Straits Times and Seoul Composite ended up by 77.18, 696.71, 24.78 and 38.41 points at 3,266.92, 19,502.37, 2,456.15 and 1,478.51 respectively. Meanwhile, Nikkei 225 was closed for holiday
European markets, which opened after the Indian market, are trading in green. In Frankfurt the DAX index is trading up by 74.50 points at 5,052.90 and in London FTSE 100 is trading higher by 67.57 points at 4,456.32.
The BSE IT closed outperformed the benchmark indices and higher by (7.26%) or 254.33 points at 3,759.61 on better-than-expected results from TCS. Gainers are TCS Ltd (15.34%), Tech Mahindra (9.21%), HCL Tech (8.39%), Wipro Ltd (7.14%) and Mphasis Ltd (6.90%).
The BSE Realty index increased by (4.91%) or 164.25 points to close at 3,511.35. Main gainers are Unitech Ltd (7.80%), Sobha Dev (6.58%), Ackruti (6.26%), Parsvnath (5.71%) and DLF Ltd (5.38%).
The BSE Teck ended up by (4.78%) or 129.61 points at 2,841.32. IOL Netcom (18.66%), Deccan Chr (15.47%), TCS Ltd (15.34%), Tech Mahindra (9.21%) and HCL Tech (8.39%) ended in green territory.
The BSE Bank index advanced by (4.37%) or 355.14 points at 8,487.30 after the Finance Minister said last week that the government is committed to financial sector reforms. Scrips that gained are Allahabad Bank (9.25%), Indus Ind Bank (8.40%), Bank of India (6.48%), Yes Bank (6.41%) and Oriental Bank (6.23%).
The BSE Oil & Gas stocks surged (3.66%) or 336.29 points to close at 9,531.09. Major gainers are Aban Offshore (8.43%), Cairn Ind (6.05%), Reliance (5.03%), Reliance Pet (4.68%) and Essar Oil (2.19%).
The BSE Metal index gained (2.12%) or 336.14 points at 11,369.64. Gujarat NRE C (17%), Sesa Goa Ltd (8.41%), Hindustan Zind (8.13%), Hindalco (5.05%) and Jai corp Ltd (4.99%) ended in positive territory.
The BSE FMCG index dropped by (0.49%) or 12.28 points at 2,847.58. Losers are ITC Ltd (1.98%) and HUL (0.19%).
TCS Ltd spurted 15.34% to Rs. 508.10 after net profit rose 15.27% to Rs 1276.44 crore on 0.12% decline in sales to Rs 5609.60 crore in Q1 June 2009 over Q4 March 2009.
Ranbaxy Laboratories gained 2.61%. The Company has received final approval in Canada to manufacture and market Ran-Amlodipine Tablets, 5 & 10 mg (Amlodipine Besylate Tablets) from Health Canada, Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD).
HDFC Bank advanced by 2.44%. The bank today slashed the benchmark prime lending rate by 25 basis points to 15.75% per annum with effect from July 20, HDFC Bank said on its website. The cut in lending rate follows the reduction in the fixed deposits rate effective from May 18.
Time Technoplast Ltdd increased by 3.77%. The company announces to set up its manufacturing operations in Tianjin Region in China and has entered into the Agreement with local Chinese Government earlier this week for necessary land for the Project on long lease basis.
Flawless Diamond went up by 5.76%. The company has received two exports Order worth Rs. 320 Million INR for its diamond and branded and non Branded Diamond designer Jewellery.
Nagarjuna Construction Company Ltd gained 4.17%. The company has secured three new orders aggregating Rs. 776 crores.
Alstom Projects India Ltd closed higher by 5.39%. The company has been awarded a contract worth Rs 373 crores by Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd for supply of Boiler components for 2 X 800 MW Supercritical Coal Fired Power Plant at Krishnapatnam, Nellore Dist in Andra Pradesh.
Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd (IDFC) ended up by 1.68%. The company has posted a net profit of Rs 2434.990 mn for the quarter ended June 30, 2009 as compared to Rs 2047.331 mn for the quarter ended June 30, 2008. Total Income has increased from Rs 8115.338 mn for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 to Rs 8778.873 mn for the quarter ended June 30, 2009.
Asian markets make headway on Monday
Hang Seng; Sensex posted more than 3% return while Shanghai, Seoul nears 3% mark
Stock market in Asian region extended their rally on Monday, 20 July 2009, tracking gains posted by Wall Street last Friday, investors purchased stocks on the back of fairly impressive quarterly results and on hopes of an economic revival. Higher commodity prices and better-than-expected data on U.S. housing starts also contributed to the firm trend in the region rally.
On Wall Street, the major stock averages each locked in 7% gains for the week after a final mixed session that featured earnings reports from General Electric, Citigroup and Bank of America. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 32.13 points, or 0.4%, to 8743.94, while the S&P 500 was down 0.36, or 0.04%, at 940.38. The Nasdaq Composite added 1.58 points, or 0.08%, to 1886.61. While stocks were relatively tame Friday, the Dow advanced 7.2%, the S&P added 7%, and the Nasdaq was 7.4% higher for the five-day session.
New data on Friday also offered some support to the bulls as building permits and housing starts for June both increased. The Department of Commerce said there were 563,000 new building permits, up from 518,000 the month prior and there were 582,000 housing starts, up from an upwardly revised 562,000.
In the commodity market, crude oil rose for a fourth day on speculation demand will increase as stock markets advanced and Chinese refiners boosted processing to a 16-month high.
Crude oil for August delivery rose as much as 73 cents, or 1.2 percent, to $64.29 a barrel in after-hours electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices were at $64.25 at 2:10 p.m. Singapore time.
Brent crude for September settlement gained as much as 62 cents, or 1%, to $66 a barrel on London’s ICE Futures Europe Exchange.
Gold gained for a second day in Asia as higher oil prices and a weaker dollar prompted investors to seek the precious metal as a store of value. Gold for immediate delivery gained 0.5% to $941.97 an ounce at 1:22 p.m. in Singapore.
In the currency market, Japanese yen crosses were trading broadly high as the week starts on further improvement in risk appetite of global investors. Asian stocks are broadly higher on news that CIT Group will avoid bankruptcy by closing a deal with bondholders for $3b in emergency funding. The development in yen crosses are significant as the rebound from earlier July is now displaying a five-wave structure which in turn solidify the case that prior highs in June are not the top yet. Outlook in yen crosses are now back inline with dollar and risk sentiments.
The Japanese yen softened against major currencies on Monday. The Japanese currencies were quoted at 94.58 against the greenback.
The Hong Kong dollar was trading at HK$ 7.7500 against the dollar. Actually The Hong Kong dollar is pegged at HK$ 7.8 to the U.S. dollar but can trade between HK$ 7.75 and HK$7.85 to the U.S. dollar.
In Sydney trade, the Australian dollar firmed after investor appetite for risk boosted both commodity prices and the local share market. At the local close, the dollar was trading at $US0.8085, up from Friday's close of $US0.7997. During the domestic session, the unit moved between a low of $US0.8005 and a high of $US0.8094.
In Wellington trade, the New Zealand dollar rose slightly today against a global backdrop of improved appetite for risk. The NZ dollar was buying US64.80c at 5pm, up from US64.40c at 8am, a level, which was unchanged from Friday at 5pm.
The South Korean won finished 1,250.2 won versus the U.S. greenback, up 9.3 won from Friday's close, as strong foreign stock buying boosted demand for the won.
The Taiwan dollar strengthened against the greenback. The Taiwan dollar gained against the US dollar as it was trading higher at NT$ 32.7940, up by NT$ 0.1610 from Friday’s close of NT$32.955.
Coming back in equities, Asian stocks raced ahead Monday, sending some regional indexes to their highest finishes in several months on optimism about corporate earnings reports. Stock market in Japan was closed on account of Ocean Day and the Indonesian market is closed for Isra Mi'raj.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark index endured gains for fifth consecutive day, on the back of strong gains from banks and insurance, and properties following share price forecast upgrade from brokerages and on optimism record bank lending will revive the economy. Materials and energy stocks spurted as commodities prices extended gains on optimism recovering global economy will revive the demand. Shipping shares rose in raising Cargo rate. The Hang Seng Index spurted 696.71 points, or 3.7%, to 19,502.37, while the Hang Seng China Enterprise Index surged 446.70 points, or 4.01%, to 11,593.13.
In Australia, the stock market endured gains for fifth day in row, on the back of firmer commodity prices and a continued rally on Wall Street. Shares of mining, materials and energy companies outperformed in the market on strong base metal and crude oil prices amid expectation of demand recovery. Property trusts and financials spurted on hopes the global economy will soon return to growth. At the closing bell, the benchmark S&P/ASX200 index spurted 49.5 points, or 1.24%, to 4,050.3, meanwhile the broader All Ordinaries surged 51.3 points, or 1.28%, to 4,044.2.
On the economic front, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said Australia’s Producer prices dropped 0.8% sequentially in the second quarter, after falling 0.4% in the first quarter. The statistical bureau said the fall in producer price was mainly due to a 5.6% drop in prices of industrial machinery, and equipment manufacturing, a 0.5% fall in building construction and 10.5% decline in that of electronic equipment manufacturing. On year on year, producer prices climbed 2.1% in the quarter ended June 2009.
In New Zealand, equities commenced the first trading day of the week in the positive region in line with most of the Asian markets that are trading higher. The share market registered the fifth consecutive day of gain on Monday. As per the provisional figures at the closing bell, the NZX50 advanced 0.45% or 12.693 points to 2820.91. The NZX 15 was up 0.47% or 24.58 points to close at 5220.02.
On the economic front, New Zealand’s service sector contracted more quickly in June than in May, but the latest Performance of Services Index (PSI) showed the reading for new orders crept into positive territory last month. The PSI, produced by BNZ Capital and Business NZ, dropped to a reading of 45 in June, down 1.2 points from May. A PSI reading above 50 indicates the service sector is generally expanding, below 50 that it is declining. Among the five diffusion indexes, which make up the PSI, new orders/business tipped into positive territory for the first time since March, and for only the third time in 10 months, with a reading of 50.8.
In South Korea, stocks closed higher, buoyed by corporate earnings hopes and relieved concerns over the feared failure of a big U.S. bank. The benchmark Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) jumped 38.41 points to a 10-month high of 1,478.51, marking a five-day gaining streak.
In Singapore, the stock market climbed up, extending its northward march for the fifth successive session, inspired by positive earnings results out of the US and higher oil and metal prices. Banks, properties, and constructions were steady after upbeat earning from US peers reinforcing optimism about global economy revival. Shares of manufacturing and multi-industries rose amid signs of a turnaround in key economies in the global market and an improvement in commodity prices. The blue chip Straits Times Index spurted 25.19 points, or 1.04%, to 2,456.15.
In Taiwan, stock market in Taiwan stretched its upward run for fifth session, starting the week on positive note by taking cues from the strong weekly gains put up on Wall Street. The main Taiex share index extending gains for fifth straight session as the benchmark index added 87.87 points or 1.28%, closing the day at 6938.86, highest closing since 1 June 2009 when market closed the day at 6954.10.
On the economic front, the used-car market in Taiwan saw a 9.2% year-on-year growth in June. Statistics compiled by Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) showed that 60,952 used-cars were transferred in June, a 9.2% year-on-year increase; while in the first six months 323,951 units were transferred, a 6.8% year-on-year drop.
In Philippines, the Philippines stock market closed more than 1% higher, as investors became optimistic over positive economic forecast. Improved economic prospects for the United States will likely help boost the Philippines’ growth this year, the central bank said. The benchmark index PSEi mounted 1.32% or 33.95 points to 2,587.91, while the All Shares index rose 1.19% or 19.44 points to 1,646.84.
In India, the key benchmark indices clocked strong gains, extending last week's sharp climb, as encouraging Q1 June 2009 results from India Inc and firm global stocks boosted sentiment.
The BSE 30-share Sensex closed up 446.09 points or 3.03% at 15,191.01. At the day's high of 15,209.36, the Sensex rose 464.44 points in late trade, its highest since 15 June 2009. At the day's low of 14,854.17, the Sensex rose 109.25 points in early trade. The S&P CNX Nifty was up 127.30 points or 2.91% to 4,502.25.
Elsewhere, Malaysia's Kula Lumpur Composite index went up 1.64% or 18.35 points to 1139.25.
In other regional market, European shares gained ground again on Monday, with banks some of the strongest performers as earnings remained a focus and following reports that U.S. lender CIT will be bailed out. The U.K. FTSE index climbed 1.5% to 4,454.75, the French CAC-40 index advanced 1.6% to 3,268.97 and the German DAX index rose 1.5% to 5,052.79.
Looking ahead, the calendar is light today with UK M4 money supply, Canadian international securities transactions, wholesale sales and US leading indicators featured later.
Sensex jumps 13.3% in five trading sessions on encouraging Q1 results
The key benchmark indices clocked strong gains, extending last week's sharp climb, as encouraging Q1 June 2009 results from India Inc and firm global stocks boosted sentiment. The BSE 30-share Sensex rose 446.09 points or 3.03%. The barometer indices struck its highest closing in more than a month. The Sensex crossed the psychological 15,000 mark for the first time in two weeks. World stocks rose on news CIT Group Inc had clinched a last-minute $3 billion rescue by a group of bondholders and probably escaped bankruptcy. CIT lends to nearly one million small and mid-sized US businesses.
Index heavyweight Reliance Industries rallied after the Supreme Court asked the energy giant and former group firm Reliance Natural Resources (RNRL) why a gas pact between the two should not be cancelled.
Banking, realty, and capital goods stocks jumped. TCS vaulted more than 15% and was the major gainer from the Sensex pack on stronger-than-expected Q1 June 2009 results. Other IT majors surged. The market breadth, indicating the overall health of the market, was strong. Except, BSE FMCG index, all the other sectoral indices on BSE, rose.
A bout of intraday volatility was witnessed. The market pared gains after an early surge triggered by firm global stocks. The Sensex hit the psychological 15,000 mark in early trade but fell below the mark shortly. The last time the Sensex had hit 15,000 was on the day of announcement of the Union Budget 2009-2010 on 6 July 2009. The market surged in early afternoon trade with the Sensex regaining the 15,000 mark. The market extended gains in afternoon trade. After hitting a fresh intraday high, the market pared gains in mid-afternoon trade. It spurted in late trade.
Lower costs have helped India Inc report Q1 June 2009 results. The combined net profit of 191 companies rose 41.6% Rs 10,730 crore on 14.9% growth in sales to Rs 72,710 crore in Q1 June 2009 over Q1 June 2008.
But possibility of deficient rains this year raises a risk of low agricultural output and hence high food inflation. The cumulative seasonal rainfall from 1 June 2009 to 15 July was 27% below normal levels. It has adversely affected the kharif sowing. The worst hit crops are rice, oilseeds especially groundnut and soyabean and sugarcane. Spatial distribution and actual rain during July and August are vital to determine its consequences on overall economy.
European shares were higher on Monday, rising for the sixth straight day, with banks the major gainers. The key benchmark indices in France, Germany and UK were up by between 1.3% to 1.53%.
Asian stocks advanced, led by commodity and technology shares, after oil and metal prices gained and US housing starts unexpectedly rose. Key benchmark indices in China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan were up by between 1.02% to 3.7%.
Trading in the US index futures indicated Dow could rise 66 points at the opening bell today, 20 July 2009.
After a strong week, US markets ended Friday's (17 July 2009) trade flat. The Dow added 32.12 points, or 0.4%, to 8,743.94. The S&P 500 index slipped 0.36 points, or less than 0.1%, to 940.38, while the Nasdaq composite index rose 1.58 points, or 0.1%, to 1,886.61. For the week the Dow and S&P were up over 7%. Nasdaq gained almost 8%.
On the earnings front, Bank of America, the largest US bank, said second-quarter net income fell 25% to $2.42 billion and warned results would continue to be hurt by troubled loans from credit card, mortgage and business customers due to the weak economy. Citigroup reported a $4.3 billion quarterly profit, thanks to the merger of its brokerage arm into a new venture after struggling to survive the financial crisis.
General Electric reported a second-quarter profit of 26 cents a share, topping consensus estimates of 23 cents a share. Revenues came in lower by 17%, at 39 billion dollars was slightly below the 42 billion dollars that analysts had predicted.
The BSE 30-share Sensex rose 446.09 points or 3.03% at 15,191.01, its highest closing since 12 June 2009. At the day's high of 15,209.36, the Sensex rose 464.44 points in late trade. At the day's low of 14,854.17, the Sensex rose 109.25 points in early trade.
The S&P CNX Nifty was up 127.30 points or 2.91% to 4,502.25, its highest closing since 16 June 2009. Nifty July 2009 futures were at 4505.60, at a premium of 3.35 points as compared to the spot closing of 4502.25. Turnover in NSE's futures & options (F&O) segment was Rs 70,008.60 crore, much lower than Rs 74,254.90 crore on Friday, 17 July 2009.
The market breadth, indicating the overall health of the market, was strong. On BSE, 1,832 shares rose as compared with 829 that fell. A total of 72 shares remained unchanged. From the 30 shares Sensex pack, 23 rose and rest fell.
From a recent low of 13,400.32 on 13 July 2009, the Sensex has risen 1,790.69 points or 13.36% in five trading sessions. The Sensex is up 6,253.70 points or 64.82% in calendar year 2009, as on 20 July 2009. From a 3-year closing low of 8,160.40 on 9 March 2009, the Sensex has risen 7,030.61 points or 86.15% as on 20 July 2009.
Coming back to today's trade, the BSE Mid-Cap index was up 2.54% and the BSE Small-Cap index was up 2.52%. But both these indices underperformed the Sensex.
The BSE IT index (up 7.26%), the BSE Realty index (up 4.91%), the BSE TECk index (up 4.78%), the BSE Bankex (up 4.37%), the BSE Oil & Gas index (up 3.66%), outperformed the Sensex.
The BSE FMCG index (down 0.49%), the BSE Power index (up 0.89%), the BSE PSU index (up 0.95%), the BSE Consumer Durables index (up 1.64%), the BSE Auto index (up 1.68%), the BSE Healthcare index (up 1.82%), the BSE Capital Goods index (up 2.11%), the BSE Metal index (up 2.12%), underperformed the Sensex.
India's largest private sector firm by market capitalisation Reliance Industries (RIL) rose 5.03% to Rs 2,030.65 after Supreme Court (SC) scheduled next hearing on the dispute over the gas supply to Reliance Natural Resources (RNRL) to 1 September 2009. Media reports quoted Reliance Industries (RIL) lawyer as saying that the Supreme Court has asked parties to explain why gas pact should not be cancelled. The SC has cleared the way for the government to be a party in the court battle, the RIL lawyer was quoted as saying .
Reports also quoted RNRL lawyer as saying that the Supreme court will club all petitions and applications in gas case together. RNRL has asked the Supreme Court to dismiss the government's affidavit on the dispute, even as the petroleum ministry has suggested that the court treats the pact between the two brothers null and void. The dispute concerns supply of natural gas from RIL's field, off the Andhra Pradesh coast, as also the price at which Reliance Natural Gas will get the fuel for power projects within the group.
In reply to the lawsuit filed by Reliance Industries challenging the Bombay High Court order, RNRL has said the government has no role to play in the private gas sharing dispute, and certainly not as a party to the row. The government, however, has said that the country's interest must be taken into consideration first and that cannot be held to ransom by a dispute between two industrialists or a previous, private pact between them.
Shares of oil exploration firms rose as oil rose surged past $64 a barrel mark on Monday, extending last session's 2.5% gains, bolstered by a rally in Asian stocks and fall in the dollar on hopes of a global economic recovery. India's largest state-run oil exploration firm by revenue ONGC rose 1.83%. Cairn India rose 6.05%. US crude oil for August delivery rose 1.59% to $64.57 a barrel after settling up $1.54 at $63.56 on Friday. The rise in crude oil prices would result in higher realizations from crude sales for oil exploration firms.
But PSU OMCs fell on rise in crude oil prices. BPCL and Indian Oil Corporation, fell by between 0.08% to 1.51%. HPCL was flat. Higher oil prices will results in increase underrecoveries at the state-run oil firms on domestic sale of petrol, diesel, LPG and kerosene at a controlled price.
Realty stocks rose on the government's thrust on the housing sector in the Budget. Unitech, Housing Development & Infrastructure, Indiabulls Real Estate, DLF, Omaxe, Ackruti City rose by between 1.06% to 7.8%.
IT stocks jumped on better-than-expected Q1 June 2009 result by India's largest IT exporter by sales TCS after trading hours on Friday. TCS jumped 15.34%. The company's net profit rose 15.27% to Rs 1276.44 crore on 0.12% fall in sales to Rs 5609.60 crore in Q1 June 2009 over Q4 March 2009.
India's third largest IT exporter by sales Wipro rose 7.14%. Its American depository receipt (ADR) rose 3.08% on Friday, 17 July 2009.
India's largest IT firm by sales Infosys rose 5.66%. The company had raised the lower end of its annual forecast in dollar terms at the time of announcing Q1 June 2009 results on 10 July 2009. Its ADR rose 2.95% on Friday, 17 July 2009.
Bank stocks rose after the Finance Minster said last week that the government is committed to financial sector reforms. The minister's articulation of commitment to financial sector reforms suggests that greater foreign direct investment in insurance and pension reforms, issue that had been put in cold storage because of Left opposition during the UPA's last term, would now be expedited.
India's largest private sector bank by net profit ICICI Bank rose 6.01% after its American depository receipt (ADR) rose 3.78% on Friday, 17 July 2009.
India's biggest bank in terms of branch network State Bank of India (SBI) rose 2.78% despite reports the Reserve Bank of India has asked it to set aside more money for bad loans, noting that provisions made by the bank are far short of the industry average.
India's second largest private sector bank in terms of operating income HDFC Bank rose 2.44%. HDFC Bank's net profit rose 30.52% to Rs 606.11 crore on 21.86% rise in total income to Rs 5136.75 crore in Q1 June 2009 over Q1 June 2008. Other income jumped 75.9% to Rs 1043.70 crore in Q1 June 2009 over Q1 June 2008, due to spurt in fees and commissions. The bank announced the result on Tuesday, 14 July 2009. Its ADR rose 1.12% on Friday.
PSU banks, Union Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Indian Overseas Bank, Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, rose by between 4.64% to 6.48%.
Axis Bank rose 4.06% extending recent sharp gains after net profit rose 70.24% to Rs 562.04 crore on 33.64% rise in total income to Rs 3864.13 crore in Q1 June 2009 over Q1 June 2008. The bank announced the result during market hours on Monday 13 July 2009.
India's largest engineering and construction firm by sales Larsen & Toubro (L&T) rose 2.69% extending Friday's (17 July 2009) 3.03% jump after the company stood by its stated outlook of 25% growth in order inflows for the current year even as the first quarter ended with a negative note. At the time of announcing Q1 June 2009 results, L&T had during trading hours on Thursday, 16 July 2009 said its order inflow was down 22 % in Q1 June 2009 over Q1 June 2008. The company's order backlog at the end of the June quarter was Rs 71, 650 crore ($14.7 billion). The stock fell 3.65% on Thursday after result.
Other capital goods stocks, Punj Lloyd, Praj Industries, BEML, ABB, Siemens, Bharat Heavy Electricals, Thermax, rose by between 0.13% to 4.53%.
FMCG majors fell on slow progress of India's annual monsoon. FMCG firms derive substantial revenue from the rural sector. ITC and Hindustan Unilever fell by between 0.19% to 1.98%.
Some drug makers rose after the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee reduced customs duty on life saving drugs in the Budget. Ranbaxy Laboratories, Pfizer, Cipla, Dr Reddy's Laboratories, Wockhardt Lupin, rose by between 0.84% to 2.76%.
Finance minister on 6 July 2009, reduced basic customs duty on influenza vaccine and nine other specified life-saving drugs used for treating breast cancer, hepatitis-B, rheumatic arthritis, etc. The government has also reduced basic customs duty for two bulk drugs used in manufacturing these medicines from 10% to 5%. Bulk drugs are processed raw materials used in manufacturing the final doses of medicines.
Some power stocks rose on bargain hunting after a recent fall triggered by disappointment from the Budget. There was lack of any major sops in the Budget for the power sector. Tata Power Company, NTPC, Power Grid Corporation of India, fell by between 0.22% to 1.29%.
Some cement stocks rose after a thrust on infrastructure development in the Union Budget 2009-2010. Grasim Industries, ACC, Ultratech Cements, rose by between 1.01% to 3.41%.
Construction stocks, too, were in demand. Era Infra Engineering, Hindustan Construction Company, IVRCL Infrstructure &Projects and Nagarjuna Construction Company rose by between 3.03% to 4.65%.
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on 6 July 2009, provided a thrust on various infrastructure projects in the Budget which may result in increase in orders for construction firms and help boost cement demand. The government announced more spending for urban, water and road projects. The allocation to National Highway development program allocation was increased 23% to Rs 15948 crore.
Two-wheeler makers rose, extending last week's gains, boosted by good Q1 June 2009 results from Bajaj Auto during market hours on Thursday, 16 July 2009. Bajaj Auto gained 2.42% extending a recent sharp surge. Bajaj Auto's net profit jumped 67.60% to Rs 293.49 crore in Q1 June 2009 over Q1 June 2008.
India's largest motor bike maker by sales Hero Honda Motors rose 0.85%.
India's largest small car maker by sales Maruti Suzuki India rose 1.97% and India's largest tractor maker by sales Mahindra & Mahindra rose 2.34%. India's largest commercial vehicle maker by sales Tata Motor rose 3.78%.
Metal stocks rose as LMEX, a gauge of six metals traded on the London Metal Exchange rose 1.22% on Friday, 17 July 2009. JSW Steel, Jindal Steel, Hindalco Industries, Steel Authority of India, National Aluminum Company, Hindustan Zinc rose by between 0.45% to 8.13%.
India's largest copper maker by sales Sterlite Industries rose 3.8% on bargain hunting after a recent sharp fall triggered by equity dilution concerns after the company raised $1.5 billion from an issue of American Depositary Receipts in which parent Vedanta has subscribed $500 million.
Some shipping firms rose as Baltic Dry Index, which measures the cost of shipping commodities, rose 1.2% in London on Friday, 17 July 2009. Shipping Corporation of India, Mercator Lines and Essar Shipping rose by between 0.75% to 2.64%.
Sugar stocks rose on firm global sugar prices. Dhampur Sugar, Bajaj Hindustan, Balrampur Chini and Shree Renuka Sugars rose by between 0.51% to 3.35%.
Mahindra Satyam clocked the highest volume of 3.39 crore shares on BSE. Reliance Natural Resources (2.39 crore shares), Cals Refineries (2.23 crore shares), IFCI (1.84 crore shares) and Unitech (1.77 crore shares) were the other volume toppers in that order.
Mahindra Satyam clocked the highest turnover of Rs 329.97 crore on BSE. Reliance Industries (Rs 270.03 crore), Tata Consultancy Services (Rs 196.78 crore), ICICI Bank (Rs 196.33 crore) and Reliance Natural Resources (Rs 193.27 crore) were the other turnover toppers in that order.
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